Professional service & tuning at your hand

Photo: Mateusz Szachowski

D.I.Y. suspension service for MTB

Take your workshopgame to a new level

FLI offers the world’s first home vacuum bleeder that doesn’t require an additional vacuum pump or even a compressor. It’s also the only one that lets you see the oil and air moving throughout the process, thanks to our unique transparent tank design®.



While we’re gearing up to take our baby into full-scale production, you have the chance to win one! Simply share what you think it’s worth. Here's a little hint: the Vacuum Bleeder already pays off by the third time you service a bike. 😉 The closest guess wins and will receive a brand-new bleeder before summer starts.

Photo: Daniel Niederkofler
Service to your own need and cost


Getting your suspension serviced has its challenges: long waiting periods, high costs and uncertainty about what exactly has been done, as every mechanic has their own approach.

But we all need proper service to have our components perform the way they should and to ensure and extend the longevity of our gear. 

This is what inspired us to develop a tool that allows you to perform a professional-level suspension service on your own, in just a few hours.

It had to work flawlessly, make the process enjoyable, and add some style to your workspace.

From now on, it’s in your own hands when, how and how often you service your components.

vacuumbleeding at home


Suspension service is like cooking: you need a proper recipe, good ingredients, some time, and the right tools. And, of course, a pinch of passion makes the result a delicious experience.

Following the manual for your specific shock, you'll disassemble your damper and fork, clean out the dust, and get rid of the old, muddy oil.

And then it gets poetic: the bleeder pumps fresh oil into your component at just the right pressure, ensuring no harm comes to your gear. Watch the bubbles rise in the tubes as it cleans out all the unwanted air, leaving behind a fresh component that will run smooth as butter.

Photo: Daniel Niederkofler
Is this for me?


If you’re a bit of a geek who enjoys spending time in a workshop setting, this is totally for you. As a privateer, a family with various bikes, or a group of friends the bleeder comes in extra handy by saving a fair amount of money.

If you have no idea of servicing yet, scroll down in our instructions and start with a lower-leg or air-can service.

If you're a bike shop and interested please let us know in the B2B section.

What to expect


We deliver a Vacuum bleeder with adapters for all types of forks and dampers. Additionally you`ll need:

  • The service manual for your component.
  • Basic tools and oils as listed in your manual.
  • A service kit of fresh seals for your model.
  • About 3 hours of time per component.