Regular maintenance of your mountain bike's suspension is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Understanding the time commitment for both small and big services can help you plan accordingly. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Small Suspension Service (Lower Leg/Air Can Service):
  • Duration: Typically, a minor service can be completed within 1 to 2 hours.

  • Scope:

    • Forks: This involves removing the lower legs, cleaning, inspecting for wear, and replacing lubricating oils.

    • Shocks: For rear shocks, it includes servicing the air canister, cleaning, and replacing seals if necessary.

  • Purpose: A small service addresses routine wear and tear, ensuring smooth operation and preventing dirt buildup that can degrade performance.

Big Suspension Service (Full Rebuild):
  • Duration: A comprehensive service usually takes between 3 to 4 hours, depending on the component's condition and complexity.

  • Scope:

    • Forks: This entails a complete teardown, including damper and air spring disassembly, thorough cleaning, inspection of all internal parts, and replacement of worn components.
    • Shocks: For rear shocks, a big service involves disassembling the damper, replacing seals, refreshing damping fluids, and reassembling with precise calibration.
  • Purpose: A big service restores the suspension to its optimal condition, addressing internal wear that affects performance and longevity.

Manufacturer Recommendations:
  • RockShox:

    • Small Service: Recommended every 50 hours of riding.

    • Big Service: Advised every 100 to 200 hours, depending on usage and riding conditions.

  • Fox:

    • Small Service: Suggested every 30 hours of riding.

    • Big Service: Recommended every 100 hours or annually, whichever comes first.

  • DVO Suspension:

    • Small Service: Inspection and cleaning after every ride; more thorough checks every 25 hours.

    • Big Service: Comprehensive service every 100 hours of riding.

Additional Considerations:

Professional Servicing: While small services can often be performed at home with common tools and knowledge, big services are best carried out with a Vacuum Bleeding device to ensure precision and safety.

Riding Conditions: Frequent riding in harsh environments (e.g., mud, dust, wet conditions) may necessitate more frequent servicing to maintain optimal performance.

Scheduling: Given the time required for major services, it's advisable to schedule them during off-peak riding seasons or when you're prepared for some downtime.

Regular maintenance: Not only it enhances your bike's performance but also extends the lifespan of your suspension components, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable ride.


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